Saturday 3 August 2013


Well, it's kicked off!

Our first day of shows was today (some are still going, or to come, but this tired little Director needs to SLEEP). The reports are starting to come in here at Poetry Towers (a flat filled with poets, producers, and directors is a lovely thing) and so far it's very exciting!

Edinburgh was filled with people today - if you've never seen it at this time of year, imagine the busiest, most throngy street in the busiest city or other conurbation you know. Now times that up a bit. Say 10. Now add in costumed people singing, dancing, juggling, balancing on top of things and each other, lying on the floor painted in fake blood, doing magic tricks, or puppetting, and all of them, all of them, importuning you to favour their show with your presence.

It's a heady experience, mingled with opportunistic food vendors, street performers, buskers, magicians, bagpipers, beggars, and other businesspeople, the scents and sounds and smells of all these people, all this food, all these costumes and gewgaws, these smiles, and laughs, and exhortations, these masks and instruments of entertainment.

Reviewers are making their way around and, this time out, they do seem keen on spoken word - and have we got a programme of shows for them this year!

See you soon - don't forget you can check out our full line-up at